2525 Bataan

“Coca Cola Portal”

Mariell Guzman (Dallas, TX)


This piece incorporated the vintage Coca-Cola signage on the building’s West Dallas’ facade to create portal into a post-apocalyptic world where things are a little odd and new plant species grow.


Mariell Guzman is a mixed-media painter, muralist, illustrator, and installation artist currently based in Dallas, Texas. She was born in Michoacan, Mexico. Her Mexican heritage has deeply influenced her relationship and interaction with art. Her personal experience with the richness of color and diversity of artistic expression in Mexico intricately sculpted the development of her creative process. She pursued a BFA from the University of Texas at Austin. Recently, she’s partnered up with clients such as KIA, Dickies, and Samsung. Her bold and colorful murals can be found throughout DFW.


Sam Blumberg


Eric Karbeling